ETUDE Moistfull Collagen Toner 200ml

€ 17.90 EUR

Toner hydratant au collagène, améliore l'élasticité et la fermeté de la peau.

Livraison Mondiale
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cumule des K-Points
Pas de frais de Douanes
Ontvang GRATIS VERZENDING als het chequebedrag hoger is dan € 250.00 EUR

Appliquer après le nettoyage pour hydrater.

ETUDE Moistfull Collagen Toner

Bye-Bye dry skin with ETUDE ! MOISTFULL COLLAGEN toner helps prevent skin from getting dry after cleansing and prepares it for subsequent care. For healthy skin, complement the toner with the rest of the MOISTFULL COLLAGEN range.


How to use it
After cleansing, apply the toner to previously dried skin before the treatment stage.


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