BENTON Fermentation Essence 100ml

€ 29.90 EUR

Essence fermentée, améliore la texture de la peau et booste son éclat naturel.

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Pas de frais de Douanes
Ontvang GRATIS VERZENDING als het chequebedrag hoger is dan € 250.00 EUR

Appliquer pour nourrir et améliorer la texture de la peau.

BENTON Fermentation Essence Lotion composed of several moisturizing agents forms an ideal treatment for dry skin. Without alcohol or irritating components, this essence deeply moisturizes your skin while strengthening its elasticity for a rejuvenated face. It also helps prevent the formation of wrinkles and all other forms of signs of aging. This lotion restores suppleness and smoothness due to the presence of hyaluronic acid, ceramide and fermented ingredients. Use this product for a healthy glow on your face after cleansing.


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