The MPC-Blog

Etude House : Quand la Beauté Devient une Oeuvre d'Art
28 Nov

Etude House: When Beauty Becomes a Work of Art


Discover the Magic of Korean Beauty with Etude HouseSouth Korea has long been a global leader in the beauty industry,...

La fête de Chuseok : immersion au cœur d'une tradition coréenne
25 Sep

The Chuseok festival: immersion in the heart of a Korean tradition


The world of Korean culture is full of treasures that are increasingly appealing to Westerners. Between dramas, K-pop...

Astuces pour entretenir ses produits de beauté coréens!
31 Aug

Tips for maintaining your Korean beauty products!


Korean beauty products have taken the world by storm with their innovative formulas, cute packaging and remarkable re...

La magie des sérums coréens : Comment choisir le bon ?
31 Aug

The magic of Korean serums: How to choose the right one?


K-beauty, or Korean beauty, is a global phenomenon that has shaken up the world of cosmetics in recent years. At the ...

La routine coréenne en 10 étapes expliquée
31 Aug

The 10-step Korean routine explained


K-beauty, or Korean beauty, has emerged in recent years as a true revolution in the world of skin care. One of its pa...

Comment obtenir le fameux 'Glass Skin' avec le maquillage coréen
31 Aug

How to get the famous 'Glass Skin' with Korean makeup


If you're a beauty lover, you've probably heard of "Glass Skin". This Korean trend designates a skin so smooth and lu...